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Depression in Teens
My son confided in me that he has been suffering from depression since a few years ago and he is afraid that he will lose control. What am I going to do? He trusts in me. Any suggestions please? Is it normal for teens to suffer that? His friend injured himse...
Views: 274   Replies: 5
Last Post: Jul 7, 2005 3:06am
by Paul Lau
My son doesnt make friends easily
I have a slight problem with my son, he is 8yrs old and is fantastic with grown ups but when it comes to children his own age he cant handle it. He seems to only be able to play with one friend at a time and if they want to play with other children as well he gets v...
Views: 236   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 6, 2005 11:09pm
by Roo
Six year old's strange behavior.... or maybe its not strange.
I just found out that my six year old has been playing "kiss the 'hotdog'" with another little boy from school. I found out because he has now done it with my three year old nephew. Is this common among boys this age or do I have a BIG problem?
Views: 430   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jul 6, 2005 7:30pm
by staff nurse
the triangle of care
hello i need some advice.i care for a 15 year old young man and i have done so for many years and he comes from a dificult abusive past.i have done this role for 6 years but now the young persons mum is manipulating him to a point that my role as a carer is undermine...
Views: 195   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 6, 2005 5:44pm
by Noelani
Out of Ideas and Frustrated
I'm not a parent, but I'll explain my situation before going further. I live with a friend and his family (mother & father). Recently, his 10 year old niece came to live with us. My friend's mother, being the grandmother of this little girl, feels she can't discip...
Views: 238   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 6, 2005 11:50am
by Emma
My four year old son has been having staying contact with his father for the past year. The father abducted our son when he was two weeks old, which is why I would not agree to unsupervised contact until our son was three. The Court Order made at that time allows for...
Views: 181   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 5, 2005 4:21pm
by Jan
help! my new partner, his child and mine.....
I have a really difficult and sensitive problem. My new(ish) partner(male) has a child just two weeks younger than mine, almost 3yrs. I live with daughter and partner and 'new' daughter visit/stays over at least half the week. We have had arguments on one subject...
Views: 202   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 5, 2005 1:52pm
by caring person
18 month old throwing food
My 18 month old son is happy to sit at the table in his high chair for a meal and is able to finger feed himself but has a habit of throwing food all over the room! Even when I amk feeding him with cutlery, he will often take the food out of his mouth and throw it....
Views: 166   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 5, 2005 5:36am
by Sherr
My Child's Favorite Book
I just found out from my son that they are making a movie about his favorite book! A Treasure's Trove by Michael Stadther. It's a beautiful fairy tale with fascinating illustrations and family values. He has become very passionate about the book, following the "hunt...
Views: 168   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 3, 2005 8:07pm
by Marie3
school going problem
i am having a child of 3 year old and we should to send him to playground since he was 2 years. when he was in play group he use to cry for starting 2 months and i use to be very tensed. now we have put him to new school which is very good school. all teachers are al...
Views: 321   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jul 2, 2005 9:35am
nephews bad behavior
Help! I need advice! I have three nephews that are driving me mad. They break things and blame it on my children (I have seen them doing this, and then go to an adult and say that one of my kids did it - sometimes they blame each other) They curse at my children, are...
Views: 291   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jul 2, 2005 6:57am
by Jane
son sneaking out of house at night
My 14 y.o. son snuck out of the house last night at 11pm to skate over to his Aunt's house to say goodbye to our visiting brother (my son's uncle). This scares me, because if he's willing to sneak out for something like this, what is he willing to do if a girl wants...
Views: 467   Replies: 3
Last Post: Jul 2, 2005 6:52am
by Jane
Views: 263   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jul 2, 2005 1:03am
by far away mom
s t g
My ( year old son is talking about kissing girls and naked women.. please help
My 9 year old son has been talking about girls for more than a year now. We spent time on it. Ignored it. Had long discussions on it but looks like it goes away for some time but the thoughts come back. I don't know how to handle this situation and tell him that...
Views: 339   Replies: 4
Last Post: Jun 30, 2005 3:37pm
by Stefan Jagger
Threatening Note
My 12 year old son recently became jealous of a friend who was being accepted by the 'in-crowd', who had several girls interested in him, and who seemed to be spending less time with my son. While one would expect these social difficulties with Grade 6 children, m...
Views: 216   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 28, 2005 11:26pm
by Gee Mom
A Child Confidence
My son has played all kinds of sports since he was 5 years old. This post is not only about sports, it's about ALL aspects of life, schoolwork, chores, sports, etc... I've always told him, win or lose, succeed or fail, as long as you give your all, that's all you can...
Views: 185   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 28, 2005 7:57pm
by Grace
hi, this is not about children but as it is a 'parenting' forum i thought that you might be able to help. i have recently discovered(not from her) that my mother is taking the antidepressant doxepin, i had no idea that she was even depressed as she certainly does not...
Views: 248   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 28, 2005 7:54pm
by Grace
What we don't know is hurting us!
Looking for a LEGIT HOMEBASED business? My name is Zyah and I am a home schooling mother of three; so being home was not an option, it was a must. I love my children and my husband and I wanted to raise them and not the daycare or the public school system. I needed s...
Views: 216   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 28, 2005 11:38am
by zyah
Should I get an apartment with my 20 year old son?
I am having a hard time deciding if it is a good idea to have my son, Jason, move back in with me. Life hasn’t been a walk down easy street for either of us. Jason is 20 years old. He is working full time and paying his own rent. But he lives with roommates...
Views: 272   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 26, 2005 1:43am
by Grace
My almost 10 year old son has a "girlfriend" that he has had for about 4 months. They give eachother little gifts, mostly things they make for eachother, send notes, etc and I found a note from my son to her and it sayd "your the best thing that has ever happend to...
Views: 298   Replies: 2
Last Post: Jun 26, 2005 1:40am
by Grace
My son wears girls underwear
My 8 year old son confessed to me last night that he likes to wear girls underwear, including that of my fiance and his older sister...particularly the thong variety. I think he just puts them on and takes them back off. I don't believe he actually wears them anywher...
Views: 399   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 26, 2005 1:30am
by Grace
My child is stealing money
Hiya I am new to all this parenting help, I have two girls aged 10 and 11, they are quite grown up in some ways for their age, but in other ways act so childish. Recently they went away with my mother and father for a weekend break, and I found out they had st...
Views: 175   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 26, 2005 1:24am
by Grace
I feel like im going to loose my mind my teen daughter is out of control
Hi there , My name is carrie and i am a single mother of 2 girls 14,10 my oldest daughter is out of control,and the youngest one to follow i have tried councelling, fostercare, treatment centers, im not sure what else to do o love my kids more than anything ,right no...
Views: 248   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 26, 2005 1:17am
by Grace
Looking for a LEGIT HOMEBASED business? My name is Zyah and I am a home schooling mother of three; so being home was not an option, it was a must. I love my children and my husband and I wanted to raise them and not the daycare or the public school system. I needed s...
Views: 151   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 25, 2005 12:11am
by zyah
Childminder in READING has Vacancies
Hi I am an Ofsted Registered Childminder in Spencers Wood, Reading and I currently have vacancies. For further details, feel free to have a look at my website: or contact me on 0118 988 6286, 07793 558358 or info@helenslittleang...
Views: 254   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 24, 2005 8:03am
by Helen Corbett
bad tv parents
An ITV show called Holiday Showdown really upset me last week because it showed a girl of about 10 being smacked on the bottom. The girls parents also swore and shouted a lot at her and her younger sister.In the show two families shared a holiday and the other family...
Views: 1172   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 22, 2005 3:57pm
by Sam
What can we do to stop poisons?
Are you tired of watching your boss live a peaceful life because of your hard work and dedication? Do you care about the environment and want to earn money educating others on how important taking care of our earth really is? Do you want to spend more time doing the...
Views: 149   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 22, 2005 11:20am
by zyah
My child will not share and has the worst tantrums!!!!
I have a 3 year old girl who always wants to have what her young friend at the childminder wants. This can be a chair he is sitting on or a toy etc... I have tried many things including a sticker chart which worked for a week. She has now pushed him off the chair and...
Views: 167   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 20, 2005 8:46pm
by Rachel
We're spreading the word about a web site my wife and I created while we wait to adopt our daughter from China. The site features stories, agency info and parenting tips. Please visit us at john
Views: 154   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 20, 2005 3:59am
by John
Daughters behaviour at Nursery
Hi has anyone any advice? My 3 year old daughter started nursery school 3 months ago and since she started her nursery teacher has been having problems with her- she doesnt sit down at story time and runs around constantly, she also can't sit in the hall when they jo...
Views: 189   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 18, 2005 9:02am
by Allie
Join any health plan and get your first month ABSOLUTELY FREE.
Good news! We are having a HUGE promotion this month. Join any plan and get your first month ABSOLUTELY FREE. Hurry, this promotion ends 6/30 at 5pm central time. Start Saving up to 80% on your next visit to your dentist completely RISK FREE! AMERIPLAN...
Views: 146   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 16, 2005 6:44pm
by kalolo
Know when enough is enough!
Are you tired of watching your boss live a peaceful life because of your hard work and dedication? Do you care about the environment and want to help educating others on how important taking care of our earth really is? Do you want to spend more time doing the things...
Views: 183   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 16, 2005 2:21am
by zyah
Help I have a highly strung 8 year old son
Hi, I have an 8 year old son who basically is driving me insane, I have been in to see his teacher as his school work is being affected and he is a disruption in class. At home he is pleasant for all of 5 mins then he is ranting and raving, throwing things or himself...
Views: 298   Replies: 1
Last Post: Jun 15, 2005 7:27pm
by carrie
absent teenager
please help, we moved to spain 3 yrs ago after losing every thing in the uk,my daughter never settled and at xmas refused to come back and decided to stay with her father,expecting me to be on the next plane back.However,i suffer with acute clinical depression, have...
Views: 249   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 15, 2005 4:29pm
by emma
Keeping our children totally safe from chemicals
Looking for a LEGIT HOMEBASED business? My name is Zyah and I am a home schooling mother of three; so being home was not an option, it was a must. I love my children and my husband and I wanted to raise them and not the daycare or the public school system. I needed s...
Views: 162   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 14, 2005 10:02pm
by zyah
disciplining 4-year old twin boys
We have twin 4 year-old boys. Our problem is mostly at church. We have a children's group on Wed. night that we are very involved in, but our boys are the youngest boys there. The next age group of boys are 8 and 9. The older boys run and wrestle and their...
Views: 198   Replies: 0
Last Post: Jun 14, 2005 3:27pm
by Lisa Hopper
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