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Re: Re: two year old into everything???

Thanks for the response. I do not agree with spanking. I can understand putting locks on the inside of your doors. This mom has confessed to me that she spanks her child and I strongly believe that causes the child to act out.
You really are not teaching them right from wrong when you spank them.
They are people too talk to them and keep talking to them until they get it.
You say it is not always the mom, the children act out what they witneness.
I am glad your son is getting that point, hope that "point" is not that when someone does something what he doesn't like that he can just go hit them!

Re: two year old into everything???

You are spanking a 2 year old!?
I do not agree with any form of physical punishment whatsoever, but the fact that you have admitted to spanking your 2 year old horrifies me and makes me realise that there are more irresponsible and dangerous parents out there than there are naughty children.
SHAME on you. I hope for the sake of your child that someone sees you and informs social services.

Re: two year old into everything???

I cannot possible condone or understand spanking a two year old toddler. As for 'locks on doors so he doesn't go out', haven't you ever heard of supervision or playpens????? You need to speak to your health visitor about parenting skills classes. I have a toddler nearly two years old who is also very active and into exploring everything, every normal healthy happy toddler is into everything, they are learning about the world around them. He stays in the playpen or high chair when I really cannot watch him closely enough and then there are times set aside each day for him to run around the house freely with me watching his every move and talking constantly to him, showing him things, and explainging very simply what is not allowed ('That's a no-no, you can't do that') then quickly distracting him with something he is allowed to do, ('wow, look at this, you can play with this). If you don't have enought time to do this rethink your priorities and why you had children in the first place.