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Re: Re: out of control 3yr old

Mmmmm, I've got one of these too! Not quite as bad as your daughter but wears me out some days, drives his dad up the wall, we've got a real battle of wills going on there ;)

I have thought about the reward stickers myself, might just give it a go. Agree that NO has to mean NO, DS is getting sent to his bedroom more and more often....(naughty corner no good).

I remember my ds1 being a bit of a tyrant too, was worse in some ways, but I think we have been a bit more laid back with this one, god in some respects but not in others. I do think it's a phase though, to a certain extent -the I'm the Lord and Master of the Universe complex they seem to get at this age!- and my older son has nearly completely got over it, (he's nearly five) but they do need reminding who is boss, and it defintitely isn't junior or juniorette!!

Good luck :)

Amanda xxx