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Re: 12 year old - left out at school

I do't really know how to answer you, but it seems like you are doing all the right things, inviting friends round etc. Does she get invited to her good friend's house etc?
I could say that the world needs all sorts of people and not all people are party people but if SHE feels sad about it that's not good. If it gets worse, you could maybe bring it up with her form teacher at parent's evening...... I have a 13 yo girl and I know she gets very wary if I contact the school for any it might be quite hard.
Does her friend get invited to parties?

I think (and I'm no expert) that all you can do is love her, make her know that she is loved and take evry opporunity to build up her self-confidence. Friendship issues can worry us parents somethng rotten!!!!!!! My 13 yo used to be a bit of a loner.... but she has changed. She now has a good group of friends and isn't left out... so things can change.
Does your daughter do any clubs etc outside of school? That can help boost confidence and maek new friends. My children all have friends that don't go to their school... and that always helps. For example, my 13 yo has been invited to see :Noughts and Crosses" by an out of school friend.... and often meets up with one particular friend who doesn't go to her school. It gives her more variety to her social life.
Good luck. I hope someone else is more helpful.

Re: Re: 12 year old - left out at school

Hi Nicki, thanks for your response, and it has been helpful! Yes, her friend does get invited to parties whilst she doesn,t. She does get invited to her friend's house and we also encourage her early in the week to make plans so she's not on her own at the weekends. She belongs to a drama club outside of school which she loves,I have suggested she tries to meet up with the kids from there, but she doesn't like instigating things like that (down to the old self-confidence I think). She also sees a friend who does not go to her school, which is good. So, like you say, I think it is a question of showing her she's loved and trying to boost her self-confidence - which we do at every opportunity. You're not kidding about friendship issues worrying us parents something rotten, that is so true!

I really appreciate you least I feel like I'm doing the right things, although a magic wand would be nice :-)