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Re: Re: Severe Disruptive Behaviour

We have tried the doctor, but because sarah MUST go voluntarily there is nothing they can do about a diagnosis at the min until she is 16 at which point if the behaviour continues she could be "sectioned" into a mental health hospital.

Seems crazy that under 16 cannot be forced into a "safe and disagnostic" envirnoment when there appears to be a mental problem. Anyone over the age of 16 can have be without any great "fuss". I would have thought it would be more dangerous have a "psychotic" children left undiagnosised, after all they are as capable of harm to themselves or others as any adult. As i have unfortunately experienced personally.

Sure seems a very crazy world at the min, when desperate cries for help go an answered

Her mum did adjust all her diet in the house to no avail, she steals and hordes food. Trying to control what she eats outside the house is also impossible as she has no interest in sticking to the diet regime outside the house.

Got to admit at this point it feels like we're looking down a network of tunnels and none of them have light at the end of them