Re: My Son Doesn't Have any Enthusiasm for activities
Hi Dawn, do not worry, as long as he has enthusiasm for something and you said he loved playing. Perhaps he is an introvert who does not like activities in groups. as an introvert it does cost him far too much energy and he can't refuel his batteries. These children need time on their own to recharge. Perhaps he is more an arty or musical child? Not all boys are sporty types and they don't have to. Just that our society has these labels - a boy has to be like this, a girl has to be like that, and if your child is not you get worried as a mother.
My son is like yours and I am happy with that. He is very imaginative and plays fantastic. Most children can't even play anymore nowadays....
Re: Re: My Son Doesn't Have any Enthusiasm for activities
My son is a bit like this although at 7 he wants to train for kids triathlons you know a run, bike ride and a swim so this has inspired. He tends to like more individual pursuits rather than team sports. He also plays chess at school and really likes this so that might be something you might like to look into.. It might just take a bit more time for your son to find something he really likes.
Personally I feel there are too many structured activities around these days that start at a very young age. Some children just aren't ready for these at 4 or 5. So long as he plays and is active, he will be fine