forgive me because I keep posting this same reply.
He is whining because it is the method, that he has found, that will get him what he wants, period.
PLEASE have faith, and try watching the videos called, 123 Magic. I forgot the name of the guy who made them because I borrowed them from the school district resources. Tape one is for "Start Behavior" (like, Start doing what I ask of you) And tape two is for "Stop Behavior" (like, stop whining)
Whining is a form of Badgering death! I was sceptical, but I implemented the videos "method of cooperation attainment" And all 4 of my Boys actually love it! And comply! It is a Win/Win situation for Me and my Kids! The results on the videos is what I experienced!!! I couldnt believe it! I have a method that is simple, consistently DO-ABLE, and positive! Please have faith and just try it. Mabey would have them. 123 Magic!
Thank you for your reply. I really appreciate it. Fortunately, I found the video you were referring to in the local library collection. I will watch it myself and with my sister and will implement it.
Hopefully, I will get back to this forum with a postive note.