the best thing you can do for now is keep a diary of every thing your grandson tells you not what you think his actual words report all events to your local social services even though it will appear they are not doing anything in time if anyone else reports events it will back your diary up and it is hard being a sitting duck but believe me these things do eventually get sorted,schools are good to contact as well tell them your concerns but if you dont do anything at all and social services do one day get a report they would be more leniant if nothing else has been reported.what you do might not seem alot but if you have these great concerns then it cant be left.
I realize that I am late to this message board but, I wanted to give you my input anyway.
If I were you I would call CPS on this girl right away. They will take the children from her and give them to you. There is no reason at all to treat an 8 month old baby like that. It sounds to me that she doesn't even need to be a mother. I understand what she is saying about not having a brat but, she is over the top. Hopefully by now your son is either home or on his way so that he can get these kids. I really do wish you the best but, you need to get them away from her before she really flips out and hurts one of them. Also, since you have already been given special visitation with the kids you might want to go to your attorney and ask him to draw something up saying that she can't leave the county with the children. I know that they will do that in Texas for divorced parents. That is just something that you might want to look into. Good lucky to you MeeMaw......GO GET THOSE BABIES