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Disobedant child

My daughter Caitlyn will be 12 in December. She lies, steals, bullies others, is disobedient to me and my husband, has been caught smoking, but we still love her and are worried that if she does not get things straitened out in her attitude and behavior that she is going to end up on drugs or pregnant. We are very scared for her and we have tried everything from time outs to spanking, groundings, we even striped her room down to just a dresser and a bed, but nothing is working. She has this I’ll do what ever I want mentality and never mind what the consequences are.

My husband and I are at the end of our ropes, we are on the verge of divorcing because of the constant stress this has put on us. Please we need your help.

Re: Disobedant child

how long has ur daughter been behaving this way? maybe its just a phase...

i would not recommend spanking or time out for a child of such an age. spanking a child, particularly one of that age teaches them that violence is ok. which is essentially what spanking is, after all.

and actually, if you spank her and then try to tell her that its wrong to hit ppl, you will just come across as a total hypocrite and she will think that if its ok for you to do it to her its ok for her to do it to other ppl.

grounding her...are you actually capable of physically keeping her in the house???

if you are scared she will end up pregnant, i assume you have reason to believe she is sexually active.

if this is the case, have you spoken to her about contraception and condoms and stuff?

i hope you have.

Re: Disobedant child

hi, sorry to hear of your troubles but i went through same thing last year with my daughter. i got told welcome to the world of pre teens. i cant remember being the way teens are today but then i think we had more respect for our elders then.
the way i got round the stealing sounds awful but it worked for me, everytime i found out she stole anything i stole something from her ie:- her favourite game or perfume etc. when she complained about it i just said to her now do you know how people feel when u steal, getting pregnand was easy a friend i knew had 3 tear away kids i got her a babysitting job there. my friend only came to my house over the road but lisa didnt know this, the kids tortured her she came home saying she would never have kids cause they are horrible (hahah). the bullying was a hard one till she came across a girl twice her size who had heard of lisa and descided to see how haed lisa was. she terrified the life out of her and it killed me but i showed no emotions i just turned round and said well now u know how it feels. i still have problems with lisa with her attitude ( her nick name is attitude on legs) but i cant expect her to be a model child things are calmer now in the house with her. i wish i could say same for my grandaughter, its her turn to kick off now.
hope some of my ramblings are of help to you. the saying you have to be cruel to be kind does work.
good luck

Re: Re: Disobedant child

thank you Terri! Finally some who has real advice, i am very tired of the time out mommies telling me that it is just the ways of teens! I will try the taking things from sounds like it may work because my daughter is very materalitic!

Re: Re: Re: Disobedant child

your very welcome, pleased i could be of some help, my daughter was exactly the same with her stuff, she never liked anyone touching at all, thats why it got to her so much when i took her favourite stuff, it was actually funny to watch, good luck

Re: Re: Re: Re: Disobedant child

My child is nearly 5, so maybe I have it all to come. However, I feel it sounds very wrong to spank/smack any child, steal from them, show no emotions when they get hurt and to set them tasks knowing they will find them too hard. If I think back to the time I was that age, my parents interactions with me, both negative and positive, have really stuck in my mind and have left a lasting mark in terms of how they have shaped me and my relationships.