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6 year old boy with problems at school

Hi there. I have 2 sons - one 6, one is 3. Both are big boys with big personalities and are often mistaken for above their years. Both have very well developed vocabularies adn communicate well.
The older one is having major problems at school. His development is fine, but his attitude is terrible. When asked to do something, from a work task, to getting changed for PE, he takes a rediculous amount of time over it. When asked to hurry up he just ignores the teacher. He gets very frustrated doing his homework and says it's just too hard, when we know he is perfectly capable of doing it. He also takes too long to carry out requests at home a lot of the time. I would expect to have to ask a few times, but 8 or 15 is over the top. We have tried everything to get over this - encouragement, reqard for good behaviour, the Supernanny approach, talking it through, shouting at him. I am at my wits end. He is loved and encouraged at home and I can't imagine what is causing this. We are considering changing schools to see if that helps. Please will anyone who has had similar problems contact me and offer support and/or advice. I need some honesty here. Are we failing him somewhere, should we be appraoching a behavioural therapist? I just don't know. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.

Re: 6 year old boy with problems at school

sorry don't know how to help but just to let you know you are not alone. Sounds very much like my 7 year old (angel one minute, demon next).

Re: Re: 6 year old boy with problems at school

Thanks. It's nice to hear from someone!

Re: 6 year old boy with problems at school

What's his co-ordination like?

Re: Re: 6 year old boy with problems at school

I would say it's normal. He doesn't seem to have any problems.

Re: 6 year old boy with problems at school


I don't have any boys but my daughter has a boy in her class who sounds like your son, he is just 8yrs. I find him lovely but I know he is hard work for his Mum, he has a younger brother also. Have you tried completely ignoring him when he is like this, is his brother better behaved and therefore are you sub-conscientiously giving him more attention, just a few ideas as his Mum says what he is like to me, I am no expert. Her boy deep down is a lovely boy but big built, very sporty and be very boisterous and hurt people without realising it, also, she has admitted this, her husband is very strict but thinks boys should be boys and she isn't so strict but isn't bothered if he wants to play with the girls, for example, mixed messages Sorry, probably rubbish advice, good luck though!!!!