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Re: any suggestions

I have been going through the exact same thing with my 11yr old daughter. She is very disrepectful to me and is now starting to lie for no reason. It seems like we are disiplining her all the time. It has got to the point that I am afraid to take her places becuase it is embarresing for her to treat me like that especially in public.

I'm looking for some answers and help, when I come across something you will be the first to know.

Re: any suggestions

i know exactly what your going through. that's how my youngest started out. now it's gotten so much worse.


mom in crisis
Jan 13, 08 - 11:58 PM

i really don't know what to do either except keep going with the discipline. it doesn't stop it but it slows it down some. with my daughter, she thinks that all adults do not know what they're talking about. so, i know it's alot to do but i surround her with lots of adults at home. the more she hears them saying the same thing i do, then maybe she will open her eyes to what she's really doing to the ppl around her. sometimes it works and sometimes it don't depending on the situation.

i'm sorry i don't have more to offer in terms of advice but i wanted you to know that your not alone in this. i think there are alot more parents that go through this kind of thing but just don't speak out for fear that they will get in trouble somehow. hearing the "it's the parents fault for not setting a good example" is a hard thing to hear when you know you have set that good example.

keeping you in my prayers.