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Re: 5 year old daughter, attitude problems and sleeping issues

You say: "We put her to bed, after spending an hour doing reading, spellings etc, but it is now 10.30pm and she is still awake, singing to herself!"

I must say that I don't see the problem. What a wonderful child, singing to herself. Let her be. When we try to control children they become brats in respose.

Then you say: "We have tried taking away her DS Nintendo, her sterio system, banned her TV, we have even tried a sticker chart - but nothing seems to work."

Doing these things is why she is hitting and biting.
How would you feel if someone took things away from you unless you obeyed them???? children are people.

Read some books on learning to understand your daughters' needs so you can HELP her, instead of struggle against her. My favorite is Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves. To understand why taking things away and other controlling ways don't work, read, Unconditional Parenting. But the tools of what to do instead are in the first book. Then there is the old book "Your child's self-esteem" and also "Your competent Children."

Re: Re: 5 year old daughter, attitude problems and sleeping issues

thank you for your comments. I will have a look at the books that you have reccommended.

Re: 5 year old daughter, attitude problems and sleeping issues

Hi, i have been having the same problem with my little girl who is 4, i took my health visitors advice and created a naughty step,this is something i didnt like the idea of but it works,i leave her on there for 4 mins and when the 4 mins are up ask her to apologise and give her a cuddle and dont mension it again,the step cant always be easy as she will prob kick,scream and cry but after she has had time to calm down she will stop,but one thing you have to do is stick with it,since my daughter has startde school and i have gone back to work i have let things slip and at the min its mental at my house,she has attitude of a 14 year old and temper of tazmanian devle !!! hope this is some use to you

Re: Re: 5 year old daughter, attitude problems and sleeping issues


We always used to do the naughty step when she was younger, however we stopped when she went to school. Perhaps we should re-instate it! A good idea. She has been really good today and went to bed at 7.30pm. She has just come downstairs complaining of a soar throat and ear ache. Its hard, because you never know when to believe her or not.

Re: 5 year old daughter, attitude problems and sleeping issues

Hi Julia,
Is this something new, your daughter not falling asleep? My 9 year old doesn't fall asleep, often til after 10:30, even though she goes to bed at 9pm. I've figured she just doesn't need as much sleep as others her age. She's never needed much sleep. She sits in bed and reads or writes. That's ok.... I get on with my stuff and she occupies herself.
If your daughter is having tantrums, ignore them. I know this is hard but she is trying to get her own way and get your attention.
My children have told me they hate me before... I just say "That's ok, I really love you". They are usually telling me they love me before bedtime. I figured they say that to get me cross, to get a reaction or to get their own way. "I'm not your friend" is something children say to each othert. I think they mean "I'm annoyed at you". They are usually friends 5 mins later.
Obviously, you can't let her hit and bite you. Have you tried a naughty step? Reward good behaviour... when she's being good, give her lots of attention.
Good luck. Be consistent... I'm sure you'll win through.