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Re: My 3 year old son is sending me into a nervous break down!!

I had the same experience. This is Mother child dynamic and easy to cure once you understand how you actually teach him to be this way with you. Have you read "Your Competenet Child?" Or "Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves?

These books helped me a million to understand why my son was so difficult with me. Once I understood and learned, I took a couple of phone sessions with Dr. Alodrt, to help me and wow, that was the end of it.

Re: Re: My 3 year old son is sending me into a nervous break down!!

You've just described my son, a monster at home but adored by teachers and all adults. The sort of child that could break someones windows and they'd still go awww isn't he cute.

I think the reason the teachers think he's a little star is because he's occupied in nursery the whole time and thats what he needs, its harder to do that at home when you've got other kids and a house to run too. Try to give him as much freedom as possible, we virtually live in the park because he can run around freely and theres also less chance of me splatting the little toad in public (Love him to bits really). Kids like this are often highly intelligent, easily bored/distracted and have the charm of the devil. They need firmer boundaries than other kids and more definite consequences. Try reading raising boys by Steven Bidulph, boys can be a shock to the system after girls and its a very good book for getting some insight into how they function differently.