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candy junkie

Any advise for a frustrated mom of a seven year old that is an extreme candy junkie. She will find candy anywhere in the house, sometimes I don't even know it was there. If there is no candy in the house she will get it at school, from friends, grandparents, people at church, anywhere she can. She even tried stealing some from the store, but got caught. She will take it up to her room and hide to eat it then hide the wrappers in book shelves, purses, drawers... She has rotten teeth and has had fillings, root canals, and major work on her teeth, but that still
hasn't stopped her. I have tried punishing her, grounding her, giving her extra chores to pay back the candy she has taken from her sisters, given her hot sauce when we find out she had eaten candy without permission, scolded, pleaded, yelled, cried... I don't know what to do. Anyone????