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Kayla is 2 and 2 months and she starts jr kindergarden at 3 1/2 years cause her birthday is at the End of December.

If I had the choice which I do, Should i take Kayla out of preschool and put her in when she is 3? How do I know if this school is the right fit for her?

Today she cried and it was really hard leaving her. My cousin said it will only get worse. Is that true? Is it better for her to be with me rather in school?

I don't know what to do, I hate seeing her cry.


Re: preschool


I had the same with my son when he started pre school. He went from being really sociable to crying when I left, hitting me when I picked him up and tantrums etc etc. Against my heart I stuck with it and he's been there maybe 8 weeks or so now. He still says he doesn't like it but he doesn't cry when I leave him and he's gone back to being the adorable little boy he was before. Although sometimes when I pick him up he looks so sad and the whole guilt thing comes back.

My husband and I agonised for weeks whether to pull him out and wait until he was older but realised we'd probably have to go through it all again at a later date and it could be worse with him being older and wiser!

A friend of mine is a primary school teacher and she kept saying that kids settle better at school if they have been used to a similar environment before. They are the ones that tend to excel by the time they get to school, rather than going through the shock of a new environment and not being with their parents all day.

I guess its hard for them having a stricter structure and being with kids that are a bit older. Guess its not dissimilar to us starting a new job?

Good luck whatever you decide.
