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My son wants me to find a boyfriend.

I split up with the father of my children 3 years ago when my son was almost four and I was pregnant with his little sister. It didn't seem to bother him as his dad didn't spend a lot of time with us anyway. Now that he's nearly seven he's really starting to miss his Dad. His dad doesn't see him much and never takes him anywhere. I don't get out EVER and internet dating scares me a bit. My son tells me he wants a new daddy and cries because he wants me to find a boyfriend. I too would like to meet someone but the kids are really full on and the longest even my mum will babysit them for is two hours, so I've got no hope of meeting anyone. He's told me that noone wants a girlfriend who has children and it broke my heart today that he said he and his little sister should go and live with their nan until I find a boyfriend for them. All I want is for him and his sister to be happy. He really needs a male influence in his life but he doesn't have one that doesn't yell at him all the time. I'm feeling lost and don't know what I can do to help him.

Re: My son wants me to find a boyfriend.

Hello Sell

I hope you don’t mind me approaching you but I think I might be able to help. I work for ITV on a parenting programme whose aim is to offer advice to parents like yourself. In your email you say that your children are pretty full on and because of this you find it difficult to find babysitters. Maybe if we tacked the problem of your children being too lively for babysitters you'll be able find the time to socialise and meet that boyfriend you and your son want in your lives.

Our programme follows a proven child behavioural course. It's not about shaming bad parents it’s about people who are essentially good parents but who are struggling with challenging behaviour. The unique thing about our series is that from the children’s point of view it’s very non-aggressive. This course isn’t for children – it’s for mums and dads to learn how to take control of family life.

The first series of Driving Mum and dad Mad was received very well. In fact the Home Office funded a study into the effects of watching the programme and found 3/4 of parents in the study reported significant improvements in their child’s behaviour, their parenting and in their family life it’s a series we are very proud of.

If you are interested in finding out more about the programme do call me I’ll be happy to talk about the parenting course and how we plan to film the documentary with absolutely no pressure on you to take part. My direct work number is 020 7633 2801.

Best wishes, and again I do hope you don't mind me approaching you, I'd like to add here that I in no way think you have an easy time as a single parent and think it's commendable that you have given so much up to give you children a stable home life, maybe now is the time to re-address the balance and work out a system where you can have some time for yourself.
