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10 yr. old having negative behaviour to get attention

Is there anyone out there that can give me some advice as to what do to with my son. My husband and I are separated and it seems that my son is acting out just to get more attention from us. My husband and I both are very active in his life and we still have a friendship so we discuss anything to do with the kids. But, lately my son has been acting out at school and trying to be mr. macho and looking at being suspended because of his behaviour.
Please any advice would be great

Re: 10 yr. old having negative behaviour to get attention

You could try a child psychologist. Some of them are free. They will simply talk to him about his feelings. Separation is such a big thing for kids to go through at any age. You know that you and your ex are still friends etc, but have you sat down and explained it all to him that you both still love him and will stay friends etc. sometimes he may just need to hear that. He's probably feeling hurt and confused. My sons going through the same thing. He's six. Good luck .