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daughter feels unloved?

i have an 8 year old daughter that has been my everything until 4 mounths ago i had another daughter

now my daughter, dispite me overcompensating for the fact that i now have two and i knew this might come up, is claiming to be feeling unloved .

i think she is claiming to feel this way just so she can use it to get attention

now what do i do, do i react or not? how do i handel this ?

Re: daughter feels unloved?

I had a similar experience with my son, losing his sense of worth because of the baby. What helped me the most is the book, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves, By Dr. Aldort, and a couple of phone advice sessions with the author. The book is the best I ever read on parenting; so loving, warm, and the ideas resonate with my inner most intuition and it works.

There is a chapter in the book about sibling jealousy, talking about the birth of a baby. I think you will find it extremely useful.