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Re: every other week visitation

As long as it's within the law you may just have to do it-if there are true reasons why you don't want your child with his/her father, see a lawyer. AND something very important, from the very first vist, you should keep a written record of your childs moods before and after visits. And please don't ask your child a million questions when he/she comes back-it will end up with your child possibly feeling resentful with you, and you don't want that. But ask simple questions, so did u have fun? Go anywhere ?And if you keep your child on schedule, ask about that in a calm manner, something like, oh I bet your dad spoils you because he loves you ( yes, that's important,)lets ya stay up late etc. If your child knows you know dad loves him/her-he/she won't feel resentful to tell you things. When I wanted to know how visit s go with my foster sons who are extremely protective of their neglectful parents, I simply say, did u have a good time? IN the beginning when I did ask what did you do this weekend-it was a bare reply-so I switched to did u have fun? Then two kids in particular said yeah do you want to know what we did-I say well...only if you fell like telling me-this way it LOOKS like they'r in charge of letting me know.
The worst you can do is-nothing-keep trying-but always, think first. Nancy

Re: Re: every other week visitation

If its that serious, like something abusive, I would not let my child go, and I would get the authorities involved and try to get the court order changed...if its something less,& wont effect the child as much as it may you....I would let the child go & try to enjoy time with his father.