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Finger/nail sensitivity

My son is 12. He doesn't like to have his fingernails cut because he says the nail and skin are ultra-sensitive after I cut them. I'm careful not to cut them too short...I'm always careful to leave 1/4" of white nail. My son is intelligent and generally cooperative (just not when he's tired, like most kids). We've tried lots of things....cutting them after a bath and before bed time....we try to give him advance notice and let him chose when he wants them cut.....we've tried putting cremes and ointments on before and after. We've also consulted his pediatrician. The pediatrician had never encountered the problem....and didn't really have any suggestions that we hadn't already tried. We've tried withholding priveleges and so forth....and had lots of frustrations on everybody's part. His long fingernails get dirt under them, look awful and of course, are not sanitary. However, I don't want to traumatize my otherwise happy and cooperative son. I would take him to a specialist if I knew where to go. Any suggestions?

Re: Finger/nail sensitivity

Well, it's true that the fingertip will be sensitive after the nail being cut, but there really isn't much you can do about it. Try letting him cut them himself, to see how much he can handle without the fingers becoming overly sensitive.

Re: Finger/nail sensitivity

Fingernail sensitivity can be a symptom of conditions within the Autistic spectrum.

Perhaps a chat with your GP may help.