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I can't get my toddler to sit on potty

My son will be three in June and we have been working on potty training (lightly) for quite some time. He does quite well at preschool but at home he refuses to even sit on the potty. I am trying not to stress about it but when he goes at preschool and not at home I feel like I am failing. I have worked with children in preschool settings off and on for nearly 15 years and I minored in child development but for some reason this one is stumping me. He has always been a very stubborn, oppositional child who has a strong opinion about what he likes/dislikes. Any suggestions?

Re: I can't get my toddler to sit on potty

Will he sit on the big toilet? Maybe he thinks the potty is for babies. Sorry I can't be of more help. Good luck.

Re: Re: I can't get my toddler to sit on potty

No he doesn't want to have anything to do with the big potty either. Sometimes at school he even stands but again nothing at home. Also, months ago he used to sit on the potty at home at least a couple of times a day but now nothing.

Re: Re: Re: I can't get my toddler to sit on potty

Have you tried a reward chart? They are great and worked wonders with my daughter. I got one from and they are reusable.



Re: Re: Re: Re: I can't get my toddler to sit on potty

Yes, I made one with my son and let him decorate it and pick our stickers for it. Initially it worked for a couple of days but then nothing. I started again this week and it has worked again but I can tell his enthusiasm is starting to fade. I also am trying putting cheerios in the toilet and letting him "shoot" the cheerios. He thinks that is pretty fun. Once I get him to the potty he always goes, it is just a battle to get him there. He is a very stubborn child that is also very controlling (like his mother-me). I have met my match with him. Thanks for your advice.

Re: I can't get my toddler to sit on potty

My son was almost 3 when he was trained, he is the youngest of 4, and what we finally did was start telling him when we were going to potty. Everyone did this. My husband and oldest son would take him to the bathroom with them and let him see them doing it. Eventually he caught on that eeryone else in the house is doing this except me. And he wanted to do it too. He never sat on the potty, but he did what the big boys were doing and never een wets the bed. (knock on wood) maybe what he is seeing at preschool is the other kids telling that they have to go potty and he wants to do what everyone else is doing?
Hope this helps
Dirty Drawers

Re: I can't get my toddler to sit on potty

have u try to use cheerios they work to help him do it standing maybe thats the deal