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Re: Behaviour problems at school

Hi Yvonne,
If his behaviour is only poor in school, you can't do anything to make it improve. You aren't there. It is the class teacher's responsibility as he or she is the one who is there when the poor behaviour happens.

Obviously, you do need to support the school and let your son know you do not like the behaviour.

I would recommend you make an appointment to discuss the situation with his class teacher. Ask what strategies they are putting in place to help him, what support do they want from you? Ask if they think there is an underlying cause for his poor behaviour... If so, has the Special Needs Co-ordinator observed him ?

You give no indication if he is struggling or not in school... this could be part of it.

Good luck.....

Re: Re: Behaviour problems at school

Thank you Nicki,
Your words are encouraging and straight to the point. He doesn't seem to be struggling with the work and is working at about an average group for his reading, maths and spelling.
The teacher says that he participates in the discussions and seems interested.
I will go to his teacher in the morning with your questions in mind........


Re: Re: Behaviour problems at school

Just to let you know with my step son we also did involve the school. We did get him evaluated for the special needs class. They put him in there based on his emotional problems, he hates it but it has also helped keep him focused. We also told him if he could start acting properly in school and doing what he should they we'd consider reducing his time in that class.
Good Luck

Re: Behaviour problems at school

How did you get on with his teacher?

Re: Re: Behaviour problems at school

I had a chat to his teacher and said that we wanted to support her and that we would like him to be assessed. She agreed and has written a referal to the RTLB's( specialist teacher's) for assessment I returned the form to her today with our signature and thoughts so now we wait to see if they will look at him. We were pleased with his teachers quick response to our concern and demand of a referal. Its good to know that she wants to help.