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Re: toddler has no independence!! - very drained.

Have you tried involving him? For example if you go to get him a juice ask him to find a cup for you or if your washing up get him to fetch the dishes for you or wipe down the cupboards, so he's with you but you can get on. There's not much that a toddler can't join in with in some way provided you don't fuss too much over breakages. A bit of bargaining works too, for example if you sit here for a minute mummy will bring you a juice, if he starts crying for you then sit back down and say I can't get it if you want me to stay here can I? Eventually he's going to get the idea that if he wants his lunch/juice etc he's going to have to give you a minutes peace to get it. Give him little tasks too, like can you stack all those bricks while I make lunch and then encourage him from the kitchen with a running commentary to keep his mind on it.
With my son asking him to do a little job to help me is often the very thing that makes him thinK no way, thats boring, I'm off to play!
A highchair is always a good one, sit him in it so he's at your level then you can just chat to him while your doing whatever you need to do, raising them up to your level can have an amazing effect on them. My son used to sit on the windowsill while I washed up so he was right in front of me.
Toddlers can have phases like this when there very clingly and want mum in sight at all times, try not to worry about how he'll be when the baby arrives and go with whats happening now. It may seem now that he's not independent at all but the truth is the more you pamper him now the more confidence you'll install in him as he gets older, he'll not be scared of trying new things because he'll have learnt that if he needs mum you'll be right there...and don't compare him to other kids, maybe they've just given up trying to get mums attention because they've learnt its not worth the effort.

Re: toddler has no independence!! - very drained.

Many two year olds are like this. They need constant closeness. You did a good job of having him feel deserving and bonded. I would just try to involve him in activities side by side with you and otherwise keep responding and enjoy it.

But, having a baby so soon with such a high need child is going to take some learning. There is a great set of CDs I highly recommend. It is called Babies and Toddlers, to Tame or to Trust. It is a recording of a class with issues of babies and toddlers, jealousy, and other wonderful stuff you will need. has it too.