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Re: Re: Re: i need help

Hi, I am sorry your daughter is having these issues, it seems obvious to me that she hasn't achieved closure about the abuse she suffered when she was 5. I think she is probably feeling worthless as a result of this abuse and blames herself for it happening in the first place. You need to help her to understand it was not her fault. Jessica is right to advise you to give her positive praise and ignore her when she is seeking attention in a negative way. Even if this just means calmly leaving the room. Does your daughters school know about the abuse, as they are in a good position to support her, if they do not know about it then they may look on her behaviour in a less than understanding way. Also is this man out of your daughters life, completely? If he is still around then she may be frightened of him coming back again.

Try to get your daughter to understand this abuse was in the past and there is nothing anyone can now do to change it, but that her future doesn't have to be destroyed by it. You too must be feeling a certain amount of guilt that you weren't there to protect your daughter, perhaps you should have had counselling together. Take care and good luck.