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6yr old expelled from school

My son is 6 this friday and today as been expelled from school for 1 week he has had aggressive behaviour in school before and swearing, but yesterday he pushed a girl over and asked her for a sh"g, he has told me he seen a other boy doing this outside on garden. I just dont know what to do anymore as he has been assessed by a child psychologist, anythoughts??

Re: 6yr old expelled from school

Just wondering where you live, there are exactly the same problems at my sons school! An 8 year old is going around saying he wants to shag his friends mums! There seems to be inappropriate sexual behaviour in the toilets, showing others private parts etc. My son is 7 and I'm not happy about him being subjected to this. He has been threatened with exclusion for sicking his fingers up but i've seen the older boys doing that as they walk home from school, shouting and swaring across the road to each other. I think the teachers should do more to find the route of this behaviour because it's not something our kids are getting from home and taking to school, they are getting it from school in the first place!

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My son is 6 this friday and today as been expelled from school for 1 week he has had aggressive behaviour in school before and swearing, but yesterday he pushed a girl over and asked her for a sh"g, he has told me he seen a other boy doing this outside on garden. I just dont know what to do anymore as he has been assessed by a child psychologist, anythoughts??

Re: Re: 6yr old expelled from school

Well the language and behaviour of some kids is pretty disgusting and its very hard keeping our own kids away from it, just walking them to school can teach them some choice behaviours so its no wonder kids pick it up. I do think though that its up to the parents to speak to there kids about what they hear and let them know that its unacceptable and discuss with them why and what the consequence for copying the behaviour would be...and be prepared to follow it up if necassary. As someone has said in a post below use them as an example of how you expect your child NOT to behave as theres little you can do to control other peoples behaviour and its impossible to completely avoid. Also talk to him about how this girl must have felt when he pushed her and spoke to her like that...try to get him to empathise with her, perhaps some role play so he can understand that it was hurtful and if it were me I'd also have him apologise to the girl and her parents to show some responsibility for what he did to her.

Blaming teachers is no good, its the parents who need to teach their kids the standards they expect and everyones will be different (some find swearing and aggression acceptable) so it would be impossible for a teacher to find a set of standards that would suit every family.

Re: 6yr old expelled from school

Good advice from Ellie there.

Just a thought ... what did the ed psych say when he was assessed?