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Re: comfortable clothing

Hi Mar,

I understand this, my youngest son has always been this way. If the socks aren't VERY snug (I have to buy a couple of sizes too small!) or if they have a prominent seam, or if they are squared off at the end rather than rounded, he really can't wear them. I can, and have, insisted and made him wear them, only to find his mood at school had affected his work, proving to me that this is more than him just playing up, he is genuinely extremely sensitive. He is the same with labels in his clothes, seams, collars that just "feel funny", and hoods that are the wrong size.

We have, through trial and error, found one or two different outfits that he is happy with, and we stick to them. We buy (Small) socks from the same place, and he wears polo shirts rather than stiff collared button shirts for school.

He's a unique character, who sees his world in a different way to anyone else, and has many special gifts. It seems these blessings are accompanied with some other, more awkward quirks, but I'm happy to take a little bit of rough with the smooth.

Hope this helps

Liz xx