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Re: Hair Growth


Poor little thing! We all want so much to be princesses with long flowing hair at that age! I had a big fat tangle of curls that my mum kept short, for management reasons, so I can sympathise with your daughter.

How is her diet? For healthy hair we need protein and oily foods like sardines, and of course fresh fruit and veg. Olive oil is also good. If your little girl is a picky eater she might not be getting all the nutrients her hair needs. Has she always had this problem? Is your own hair thin, possibly just genetically thin hair?

If it looks extreme, I would take her to the GP to rule out scalp conditions and, of course, they can inform you on the nutrition side of things.

Is it long enough to go into little bunches? I have 2 neices who are biracial and, their hair being afro, grows extremely slowly, and is brittle, so their hair is quite short. For a family party I bunched their hair, one girl in a teeny pony tail, and one girl in bunches, and braided some fake extension hair in, in little plaits. They were over the moon, they both thought they were real princesses!

Also, you can get little bits of fake hair on a clip, to wear on a ponytail, maybe this would work, just for a party?

I hope this helps some, please let us know how you get on

Liz xx