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Re: Re: confused about 14 yr old daughter

Thanks for the information. I did call the police and my lawyer! I do know that now she is living her life with her dad as if I don't exist. But the day this all happened no one would tell me where she was untill the police called me later and said they found her at her dad's and she was fine, but that because she is 14 they can't make her come back. I found a note yesterday in her room that was signed love you mom, only I did not write it. To me that is sick that someone is doing that! I wrote her a letter, but nothing in return. What now? Sit and wait and hope or what? I'm lost!

Re: confused about 14 yr old daughter

i would try to get her back because its not cool that they arent telling u how shes doing. u should know at all times whether or not she is ok. and if they arent telling u then thats a problem. i think if u have joint custody then it could be considered kidnapping if he took ur daughter and u werent ok with it. if it feels like a bigger problem the u could ask for advice from an officer. they could tell u what u should do