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Re: Re: being a young dad at 16

I echo what Liz has said, well done for not leaving yet another child fatherless.
Your family are bound to have concerns so try to see there point of view...that doesnt mean agreeing with them but it may help resolve the arguements. Give your family time to adjust to the situation and see that your child is a positive part of your life and not something thats ruined your future. If freinds can't be supportive well maybe its time to move on and look for ones that can.
As for people staring, we all get it at some time, its not just an age thing. Next time, smile at them, some will of course be busybodies making petty judgements but others may suprise you with there response, give it a go and hopefully some at least will just be after a coo at the baby.

Re: being a young dad at 16

Congratulations. That's awesome. Nature didn't make a mistake making you able to bring a child to the world.

This is a great opportunity for you to become strong in the face of "others." They don't know better than you. You best.

There is a great article called: Parenting Under the Fire of Criticism. I first read it in Life Learning magazine, then I saw it here:
Clik on "read more" at the end of the question under this title.
Also, show your family that you take parenting seriously by reading and seeking to educate yourself on parenting. has a great set of CDs for parents of babies and toddlers. Also the book, Raising Our Children, Raising Oursevles; read it, and give it a gift to your parents. They will learn a lot about respecting you. The author of the book is a credibel internationally published parenting "guru."
She is so supportive of young parents. I bet she will give you a free phone advice if you asked for it (I cannot be sure though but try.)

Good luck and enjoy your girlfriend and your baby.

Re: being a young dad at 16

u shouldnt care what people think. i got pregnant by accident when i was 15 but my daughter is 2 now and everyone is finally realizing it was a good thing. i think maybe try to get emancipated cuz being under 18 causes problems for trying to get things done. ur family should understand that u love ur family. dont let anyone tell u that ur not a good parent because ur young, its not true. and never let people tell u how to raise ur child unless u ask for advice. do what makes u happy. u never know how much life means until u have a baby. good luck

Re: being a young dad at 16

I had my daughter at 15 and now I am married with three children and both my husband and I have degrees and and nice home. We still look young and we still get bad looks and bad comments. The truth is,until you can ignore those people, being a parent is going to be that much harder. Anyone who is different from the norm needs to realize this in order to live a full life. Focus your energy on your child and your girlfriend.
I would also like to say that it is so great that you are an involved father. I graduated from a teen parenting program with thirty other moms and not one of the fathers of their children were involved. You are not the norm and you made the good choice not to be part of that norm. Be proud of it. You have the oppurtunity to be the most important man in your child's life. That is such a blessing.
Congratulations on your new family and good luck with everything.