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Re: Toddlers' Sleeping Problems

With my son I showed him how the baby monitor worked and set it up again so that he knew I was just a quick yell away if the monsters decided to come out from under the bed. I am one of those moms who can't sleep with him in the bed (he kicks and moves and groovs all night) And life is much easier around the house if he sleeps in his own bed. Keep the night light as well. Remind him that he's a big boy now, but you are still very close if he needs you. the first few nights he might yell alot just to make sure you can really come in quick, but once he figures out that you can and will, he should slow down on the false alarms. Good luck!!

Re: Toddlers' Sleeping Problems

i have a 2 year old and she hasnt told me shes scared of the dark but i know she is. i have a night light in her room. the thing is her room is very close to mine, so she can actually see me thru the door. maybe it would be easier if he could see u when he falls asleep. that way he knows its ok cuz ull be there if he needs u