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Re: Re: 5th grade blues!

So you are saying I should quit my job pop a tent and live in the forest because she doesn't like school.....Okay how about a more practical solution. I work and my household is a single parent household.


Re: 5th grade blues!

I'm presuming you are in the states and I know nothing of the American education system.... but my 3rd and youngest child has, well, challenged my parenting skills since she was born and I know what you mean when you say you don't know what you are doing with her!!!!
I don't know how this would go down in your education system... but I think I would try to see her teacher and discuss the issues you are having with your daughter about school work and see if between you and the teacher you can't come up with a better strategy that might work without sending you over the edge. Obviuosly, as a parent, you need to provide her with a space to work and "encouragement" to work... but maybe the school could agree that if she doesn't do her homework, she gets punished in school!!!! She could miss her playtime etc. You could ask the school to ensure she has all the correct work to bring home at the end of the day.
At 10, you could take a step back. Here in the UK, at 11 children transfer to secondary school... and I used to teach children at secondary school. From the age of 11 I would definitely expect them to organise themselves... and I would punish the child (keep in during break) if they didn't do it.
It must be really hard if this is a daily battle ground..... I would give her the responsibility... and ask the school to help.

Re: Re: 5th grade blues!


Yes, I am in the states. The teachers at her school have decided that I am the one to keep her on track. Not them. Seems that when i suggest that she stay inside for PE or so forth to finish what THEY told her to do that is too much of an inconvenience. You have to understand they give her a zillion chances to finish. For instance they must turn in their signed assignment sheet on Monday. Well if they forget it they get till Tuesday then Wednesday. Heck who am I to tell them what to do? My idea this isn't teaching anything other than you get second chances...IE: big problem. I have discussed with the teacher about what I can do. Her grades are fine now....but understand I'm doing all the stuff as far as making sure she brings it home making sure she turns it in and so on. Not teaching her a thing about doing it on her own. So my thoughts are its time she step up to the plate...but is that to young to expect her to do this. And if not I'm jumping off a bridge...

Re: 5th grade blues!

Oh yeah... and I have struggled in a similar way with my 12 year old and homework... we now have a rule... nothing electronic goes on until all homework and music practice is done.... so no msn, computer, tv etc. She now gets on with her work really quickly and I'm not on at her all the time. Before... she said she'd do it when she wanted to do it... and that usually meant when she was tired etc. The new, simple, easy to enforce rule has really helped!!!

Re: Re: 5th grade blues!

Ummm Nicki...Maybe I should tell her when all her homework is done and I have checked her assignment sheet then she can play with her Nintendo. Just let that be the rule and not discuss it. It's never a matter of when she has homework because she has it everyday. I'm afraid I have nagged her so much that she just won't do it without the nagging. You see I told her last week I was finished with nagging and telling her what to do all the time because she was plenty old enough to bathe, brush teeth ect. So needless to say she hasn't bathed since last week. Oh now what?

Re: 5th grade blues!

I reckon "No Nintendo " would work really well. The "Nothing Electronic" rule in my house was thought up by my 12 yo as a way to motivate her... and a way to stop us falling out!!!! She just did her hw every night at bed time. Now... she tries to get on msn etc... but it's easy to say "Oiii... nothing electronic until you've done your hw". We've been doing that since Christmas... and her grades last report were better!!! So it must be working. Also... all 3 of the kids are on the same rule!!
Good luck. I find it hard to let my children fail or even to get in a pickle .... but I think maybe it's be better for them if I didn't always battle with them over everything!!!
Btw.... I know I couldn't educate 2 of my kids at home... they don't particularly want to work... if I had to teach them....practicalities aside .... we could just argue even more... as I'm sure they'd know better than me all the time (even though I'm a teacher... I'd much prefer to teach othe people's kids!!!!!) I want to enjoy being a parent... not a teacher to my kids (or a policeman).... so don't worry, i'm not about to off into the forest.

Re: 5th grade blues!

Here is what we did. In our situation my step son wasn't doing his school work, was getting sent out of class more than he was in, he was mouthy, and disrespectful. Our counselor suggested that grounding him for long periods was making him not care because he couln't see and end. So he suggested we have a daily punishment method. We picked a few things he liked to do daily (watch tv, video games, & play with friends outside). Each and every day he woke up he had all of his prilages. If he was mouthy, disrespectful, sent out of class, or didn't do his homework he lost those privlages for that day. We had the teacher write us a small note or email as to how each day went. That way each evening we knew. He was not allowed to slip even a little without paying the price. He knew the next day was a new day and he had a fresh chance to do the right thing. He is very impulsive, but eventually it worked. The stress was much less too.