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Re: my two and half year old problems at school

I would trust him. He doesn't want to go to school. He is too young. Doctor Aldort doesn't not recommend social groups at such a young age. Read her book. She has a great section about young ones in group settings. Her book is, Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves. If you read the book you will relax and learn to understand what is best for your unique child. I highly recommend this book for this and many other issues.

Re: my two and half year old problems at school

Two and a half is very young i would not worry to much at this stage a school is a big place for a toddler.He is only a baby yet he will be fine in a year or so when he is a bit older.My daughter was the same when she was that age i thought it would be good for her to mix with other children because she was a only child but she hated it the health vistor advised me not to send her if she did not like it as she is probley not quite ready.She is now 5 and she loves school and has lots of friends try not to worry.