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Re: Help with Potty Training Boy!!

Hello Jen,

They just have minds of their own, don't they!

My suggestion is to take the diapers off completely- kids often tend to not take potty training as seriously if they know they can rely on the diaper if all else fails. Having them wear underpants may mean a bit of extra cleaning after accidents, but the kids tend to get the message faster than if they are doing their business in a diaper where it "won't matter". Maybe take your son to the store with you to choose some underpants that he likes- maybe Spiderman or Bob the Builder or characters appealing to him- this has been known to motivate kids when they're potty training.

Good luck, hope this helps!

Re: Help with Potty Training Boy!!

My son will be 3 in July and I've already had one attempt at potty training to no avail. I'm gonna have another go and this time I've bought pampers nappies called feel and learn. Hopefully he wont like feeling wet and I'm not hassled with lots of washing.
My logic is that he will have an incentive to use a potty. Will let you know how I get on.

Re: Help with Potty Training Boy!!

Let go of the whole subject so he can choose of his own. Praise is manipulative. Don't praise. It makes him feel that he should potty train for your sake so he goes against you.

What to do:

1) Drop the subject
2) Get all in one cloth diapers or pull ons so he can feel the wetness.
3) Forget about it until he begs for it.
4) Relax.

Re: Re: Help with Potty Training Boy!!

Thanks for the advice - everyone. I have to say, I think you struck it on the head, Hemyola. One of the reasons I've been so frustrated is because I feel the harder I push, the harder he resists so it's a lose - lose situation. I'm just feeling under pressure because of his age (and others his age are potty-trained)but I keep trying to remind myself that sooner or later he's going to decide for himself that he wants to use the potty. Right now I truly believe he doesn't do it because we want him to - he's at that stage. I think I'll just put diapers on him for bedtime and during the day put him in pullups and wait for him to take the lead. It's also been hard because I have a four-month old. It's not always convenient to drop everything every 20 minutes to take a child to the toilet and wait another 20 minutes for him to maybe do something when you have a little one who wants to eat all the time! ;) Thanks again everyone - truly appreciated!


Re: Re: Re: Help with Potty Training Boy!!

Hi Jen

I have a 3yr old who WAS potty-trained happily at two but then regressed due to total lack of cooperation from dad (we split when my son was 8mo's and he is ordered to be there 3 days per week). It has been a complete roller coaster ever since, but he is pretty solid with it again now a year later. Make things as consistent as you possibly can.

Those "feel n learn" pull-ups -- tried them since daycare required pullups until fully potty trained -- not something I would use at home since they're not very effective at feeling wet but they ARE an improvement over other disposables if you are in a position where they are required.

For at home, since I know from experience there are NO cloth diapers or underwear that will effectively contain the mess a 3yr old makes... USE CLOTH UNDERWEAR **WITH A PULL-UP OVER TOP**. Sometimes you will still get leaked-on pants or a bedsheet but overall it's much less mess/laundry while still making sure they feel it. Also by 3, he can be involved in cleanup. When there's an accident, show him how to pull sheets off his bed, put clothes etc. in the laundry, wipe himself properly. As soon as my son was able to do this, the stress lifted and we saw a marked improvement. Anytime there was a wet accident I could just shrug and say, "well, clean yourself up." And that was that. Of course you can step in to help here and there, or if you're rushing off to work you handle the cleanup for time's sake BUT have him toddle the laundry to where it needs to be when you get home later... etc. Point is, HE deals with the consequences of wetting himself, not you. Other messes require help still, but your stressload is substantially reduced and he will figure out sooner or later that using the toilet is just so much easier than hauling all this laundry around.

Works well for us, it won't be instant, but it sure beats pulling your hair out while your son laughs at you (trust me, I've been there )

Re: Help with Potty Training Boy!!

I had a gumball machine in the potty room....whenever they made pee pee or poo they got a penny for a gumball. Worked just fine.