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Re: Hurting my daughter?

I am very sad to hear your story...but sounds like you are a very caring and loving dad.

It is good to get some distance from your well as start a new life. One hour is not very far so I don't think it is that dramatic nor will your daughter notice it that much.

My experience is that the younger the better. I separated from my ex when my son was 6 and my daughter 2. We then tried it again....and then about a year and a half later I made the decision to divorce. My hesitation has hurt my kids...esp my older one who is now 9. In fact he still hopes we will get back together.

In my experience the cleaner the split the better...and the earlier the split the better...

Go for it and make that new life that will make you happy and show her you are happy.

Good luck

Re: Hurting my daughter?

Hi Ketch

I agree with Lina, very sensible advice. I didnt feel able to respond with much advice, having not been in a situation like yours, but my feeling is that if you move, after you get a routine sorted with regular visits, stick to it religiously. That way your daughter can adjust to the new situation and soon get to know when she will spend time with you. Kids love things to be predictable, it makes them feel secure.

Far from hurting your daughter, you seem like a conscientious caring Dad who will always do the best for her, I wish you all the best, and I'm sure your little girl will always be sure of her Dads love.

Liz x

Re: Hurting my daughter?

I agree, do this while she's young but mostly wanted to say there is a HUGE difference between getting on with your life and abandoning your child, though it sounds like the mother may see it as an opportunity to play more games.
There is also no reason why you shouldn't go for full custody is mums not capable of caring for her properly herself.