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Any schedule ideas for weekend Dad?


I'm a divorced Dad of a beautiful (but handful) 3 (almost 4) year old - and I have her every other weekend, per my visitation schedule.

Well, I'm trying NOT to be "Fun Dad". I'm trying not to be the host of my daughter's own 2-day resort where there's no rules, plentiful candy, and constant attention. Notice I said "trying".

I'm wondering if anyone can give me an idea of what type of "schedule" to make for my weekends with my daughter. Usually, we're together 24/7 while she's here. If we're not out doing something fun, I'm playing with her in her room. If I'm not playing with her in her room, she's tugging on my pants for me to play with her. She's getting used to having my full, undivided attention for the 2 days we're together - and, unfortunately, I'm seeing some signs that it might not be healthy. ;)

Any suggestions? Should I push her to play by herself for a little bit? Or is it okay for us to be glued to each other for those 2 days? Any ideas?

Any help or advice on this (or any topic) for a single, weekend Dad would be greatly appreciated. I need all of the help I can get! :)



Re: Any schedule ideas for weekend Dad?

Hi Jeff,

Nice to see a man on here every now and then...

Am sorry to hear you are is a tough thing to go through (speaking out of experience)..and must be hard to only see her every other weekend.

My tips...

- try and keep same schedule as mom (ike bedtime...meal times)
- maybe try and get to know some of her friends' parents so you can invite the friends over (ie playdates) (it is exhausting being with a 4 year old all weekend when you have probably been busy all week)
- maybe get her involved in an tennis or even golf is fun. I go to the driving range with my kids and they love it.
- a bit of tv is not so bad....just so you can have a break
- maybe try visits with your only parents...or good friends with kids...

I think giving her your undivided attention is great...but as you say it is not normal....and she does need to get used to playing by herself...

The transition is always between allow a bit of time for that.

Maybe you can make a schedule that you discuss with her...that generally stays the same...but makes some time for her to do het own something...try a puzzle. At 4 they do need a lot of attention....but not 100%.

Good luck,
