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Re: Re: What to do...constant fighting

My two boys are the same, they are 5 & 7 and cannot be left alone or all hell breaks loose. I feel in total despair, I know parenting will never be easy, but give me a break! My kids should be able to be unsupervised in a room together for short periods surely?! I mean I should be able to hang the washing up, or make a cup of tea shouldn't I? I sometimes feel like walking away and never coming back but I couldn't do that to them or my husband. I don't know how I'm going to get throught this until they are old enough to be self sufficient. I feel like I'm 3/4 of the way to a nervous breakdown already. I think I'm headed for the looney bin so I totally sypathise. Kids drain every bit of enthusiasm in life you may have once had. All that said I do love my kids... honest! I would have left a long time ago if I didn't!!

Re: What to do...constant fighting

I have lots of problems....but one think I don't have is kids who fight a lot. My kids are 9 (boy) and 5. (girl)..

They have different interests and hence can spend time doing their own thing...also the little one accepts that her brother is older and lets him take the lead a bit. She is easygoing and shrugs things off quickly.

Maybe try and do things alone with the kids a bit more and let them develop different interests...

also make sure dad gets involved more...

and a reward system might help.

I fought a lot with my siblings (4 of us ..very close in age)...but now we are all very keep up hope..

Good luck