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Step son and drugs in my house

My 16 yr old step son, who is actually not my husbands bio son, keeps bringing in and smoking pot in my house. He has been in detention centers and boy/girls homes and has stolen from my two kids and my husband and myself. He is in an alternative high school and is just heading down the wrong path of life. He has been told several time he is not allowed to smoke cig or pot in the house and has been caught several times doing that. We have gone so far as to not allow him to have any friends over because we feel if he can't respect us or our rules we don't respect him enough to let his friends (who do the same things) come into our home.

Last night (Valentines Day) his father allowed his girlfriend to come over. When I went downstairs to get the phone I smelled the pot and found the pop can pipe they were using. His dad was out of town and told me when I called him he would handle today when he gets back. I am really tired of living with a child that will not respect our rules and that my children have to hide important things and money so he doesn't steal from them again. We have even put a lock on my sons door to keep the step son out but he has found a way to still break in. Help, I am ready to leave my husband because I cant take any more.

Re: Step son and drugs in my house

I felt as though I was looking through a mirrow reading your post, my 16 year old step son is the same way pot smoking and cigaretts in his room. His father and I both smoke but away from the children and we have to sleep with our cigaretts and the ash trays or he steals them!!! I have tried doing everything in the books! I am fed up as well he even got kicked out of alternative school for snorting pain pills! I told him last night if he cant respect my house he is going to have to start sleeping in the little kids room and I would give his room to his younger brother! I dont have any solutions but I wanted to let you know there is someone that feels your pain!!

Re: Re: Step son and drugs in my house

Thank you for the reply. It is comforting to know that how I feel about what he is doing is justified I just wish there was a good answer for both of us. I know what it feels like to have to hide things and wonder what he is going to do next. Who knows what he is capable of. I guess we just wait for them to turn 18 or get put in jail which ever comes first. I know that sounds harsh but I don't know what else or how else to feel about it. Thank you again!