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Need cheering up

Hi everyone

My family are all sick, and so am I, OF THEM!!!!!!! I dont know sometimes if i am really cut out for the whole wife/mother bit. I cant stand being around moping sick people! Ewan had bad throat last week, and this week got sent home from school with impetigo, hurray! I had bad throat when Ewan did, and hubby came down with it at the weekend, but, of course, got it 20 times worse than me, so "needed" complete bed rest. Looks like I'm flying solo here! Then Jake started vomiting today, so its up to me to look after EVERYONE, when I'm still not better myself. You'll notice of course, no "complete bed rest" for me, noooo I had to bite down and keep going, good wifey and mummy over here!! To top it all off, I started my period today and I'm hurting, not to mention I'm having the very worst hair day ever in history! And they are all so MOODY! Ewan has been snapping everyones head off all day at any comment, Jakes reduced to grunts, and hubby just keeps shivering at me, with a doleful expression on his face.

I'd pack my suitcase but I have tummy ache

Sorry thats one heck of a rant, but I have no one else to complain to!

Thanks for listening

Liz x

Re: Need cheering up

Here have my cuppa tea and sympathy!
It's always down to us women to be strong and keep everything together. My boys were ill last week and there's nothing worse than a whining 2.5yr boy who follows mum around all day winding her up -would test the patience of a saint. I have a day of it then other half comes home from work and erupts after only suffering half an hour of whingeing and utters "can't be doing with this, just want to come home to some peace and quiet" whilst other 3mth son is crying. MEN!
Im just having my first monthly and it feels like I'm making up for all the ones I didn't have whilst pregnant! - I can't stop munching which doesn't help me when trying to lose a stone of post baby weight and nor can I be bothered doing stomach exercises to tone up my jelly belly and seeing all these ruddy yummy mummies in the media makes me feel ugly and inadequate. Size 0 , I'd be estatic with a 1 in the front!
Anyhow hope you and your hair are feeling better soon

Re: Re: Need cheering up

Men when there ill, honestly you'd think they were dying, and nothing makes you feel worse than someone who's got exactly the same as you tucked up in bed while you struggle on. Explains why I'm single...not very tolerant me (as you may have noticed )

And on valentines day too!!!!

Hugs to you...and to Amanda too, and a big bar of no-calorie cyber choccy for you both. Hope you feel better again soon.

Re: Need cheering up

know the feeling...and cup of thee...or long bath can help.

let us know how things go...