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Re: 9 year old curious about sex

I dont feel 9 is too young for curiosity, or a birds and bees talk... kids pick things up at school, from tv, advertising etc, and whether we like it or try to avoid it, they will be exposed, so the best way to tackle it is to have them well prepared with correct information, I feel.

I made the mistake of saying, 'does anyone have a question about sex?', one day ( at a relevant time) GEES!!! I had questions everywhere! I answered as correctly as I could, and gave them as much detail as their question expected, no more. I was surprised how much they knew, how much of it needed correcting ang how much detail they didn't need.

As for your school, whether part of the catholic system or not, I would want to know why their filter system was set so low that these sites could be accessed, I would definitely be speaking to the principal, and expecting reassurances that this could not happen again.

Good luck...


Re: Re: 9 year old curious about sex

9 years sounds about right for the birds and bees talk, but go into the school and find out why the kids where able to view such content on the internet.

Locally a boy was expelled from school for doing exactly the same...outrageous! He was given an apology by the school and ed dept and allowed back to school. Of course there going to take the opportunity to google sex, its natural curiosity, the school at fault not the kids.

Re: Re: 9 year old curious about sex

We greatly appreciate your response.
I honestly caught off guard and found myself in a fog over this matter , it is good to know there are people out there willing to help instead of judging, You would not believe how hard it was just to post the question.
Thank You Jen , all is helpful.

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Replying to:

I dont feel 9 is too young for curiosity, or a birds and bees talk... kids pick things up at school, from tv, advertising etc, and whether we like it or try to avoid it, they will be exposed, so the best way to tackle it is to have them well prepared with correct information, I feel.

I made the mistake of saying, 'does anyone have a question about sex?', one day ( at a relevant time) GEES!!! I had questions everywhere! I answered as correctly as I could, and gave them as much detail as their question expected, no more. I was surprised how much they knew, how much of it needed correcting ang how much detail they didn't need.

As for your school, whether part of the catholic system or not, I would want to know why their filter system was set so low that these sites could be accessed, I would definitely be speaking to the principal, and expecting reassurances that this could not happen again.

Good luck...


Re: 9 year old curious about sex

Hi there Jason , I totally agree that your son is not at fault, the school certainly have a lot to answer for!
With regards to the birds and the bees talk I feel it would be better coming from you his father, rather than his mother , it may be more comfortable for him .
You could wait for him to start asking you questions or you could let him know that if there is anything he wants to talk about or ask on this subject you are there for him.
Best of luck