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Re: Re: Re: Re: End of my tether!

Thanks Hemyola
Oh, I agree entirely! I know he will never be this age again, and he is still my baby. I just worry that he has no contact with the outside world at the moment! He isnt in school, and doesnt see any of his friends. He will not go to grandparents any more, or even stay with them if they come to our house!I just cant see an end to it at all! He is missing out on so much a 9 yr old should be experiencing! How did yr problem resolve itself?

Re: Re: Re: End of my tether!

Thanks Ellie,
Yeah we have lots of support. we ae getting some help now, but just cant see an end to it! I do think my son has certain traits of something, either aspergers or autism. he has an assessment coming up, so hopefully it might shed sum light on things. At the minute we are trying to 'bargain'! with a 9 yr old for 1 whole hour on our own on valentines night! haha! Its just not going to happen! if it does i'll let u know!