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Re: Re: End of my tether!

Hi, Liz,
Thanks 4 reply. Yes I,m home teaching (in a fashion!). My son is technically excluded from school at mo,(this is the agreement, which means we qualify 4 real help!, plus they cant keep him safe in school any more because he escapes, theyve even had to call the police when he escaped thru a fire exit!) but we have a 6 wk 'plan' in progress.1st week i had to take him to school, go to the classroom, meet the teacher and get some work. Week 2 the same but i sit in reception area. Week 3, nextweek, i have to wait at the door! etc, etc. inch by inch!

Re: End of my tether!

Hi Lou,

I dont know anything about this, but just wanted to say hi, and let you know people are listening. It must be exhausting having your son at your side at all times, I really hope someone can advise you, and that you get some practical help at the psychologist. Are you home schooling at the minute?

Liz x

Re: Re: End of my tether!

Same as Liz, can offer no advice but nothing worse than a call for support being ignored.

My eldest daughter has aspergers, she was just the same for a very long time, not suggesting your son has aspergers but saying I understand just how very wearing this is and asking for help can be like banging your head against a brick wall (doubling the problem)

Do you have ANY support? Friends, family, dad?

Re: Re: Re: End of my tether!

My oldest was the same way. It is actually common and is not a sign of any disorder unless you consider being a child a "disorder." At age nine some children become more aware of reality, beyond their grasp. The world is larger and less safe than they realized before and they freak out kind of. The best is to providefor what he needs. If you fight against it he will only cling for longer.

Enjoy. This is probably your last real closeness in a physical way. The next phase can be no more hugs and kisses and "leave me alone mom." I was lucky to have good guidance and read a great book that helped me a lot. (Raising Our Children, Raising Ourselves.) So, just soak in the closeness. You will miss it.

Re: Re: Re: Re: End of my tether!

Thanks Hemyola
Oh, I agree entirely! I know he will never be this age again, and he is still my baby. I just worry that he has no contact with the outside world at the moment! He isnt in school, and doesnt see any of his friends. He will not go to grandparents any more, or even stay with them if they come to our house!I just cant see an end to it at all! He is missing out on so much a 9 yr old should be experiencing! How did yr problem resolve itself?

Re: Re: Re: End of my tether!

Thanks Ellie,
Yeah we have lots of support. we ae getting some help now, but just cant see an end to it! I do think my son has certain traits of something, either aspergers or autism. he has an assessment coming up, so hopefully it might shed sum light on things. At the minute we are trying to 'bargain'! with a 9 yr old for 1 whole hour on our own on valentines night! haha! Its just not going to happen! if it does i'll let u know!