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Re: Young baby won't settle - help!

I found that swaddling each of my babies did the trick for me. Think they liked the feel of being all snuggled up and reminded them of being in the womb. I found that not swaddling ensured that should they move their arms and legs whilst asleep it woke them up.
You might find a dummy useful as young babies find it comforting to suckle. My second baby now 3 mths old will use a dummy to help him settle during the day but most nights he doesn't bother. Would prefer to watch his music aquarium that is attached to the side of his cot.
Whilst I was getting my eldest ready for bed I had to leave my baby to cry whilst in his cot. When I finished with my eldest, by the time I went to my baby he'd fallen asleep! So we accidentally sleeped trained him! (about 4 weeks old). However in these early weeks I think he's too young to learn cause and effect and I used to hold mine in my arms till he was half asleep and then gently lay him down. Most often as his back touched the mattress his eyes would open wide and he'd fidget and so I repeated the whole process again. Actually I still do this often as I find it the easiest way to keep him calm.
I find that my baby really cries when he's very tired and at three mths he's learned to recognise his cot and once I lay him in he settled fairly quickly and drifts off to sleep.
Don't worry at this stage about him being dependent, use your gut instinct and what works for you. I'm sure you'll find things changed as he gets a little older.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Re: Young baby won't settle - help!

Thanks Amanda, That is really helpful. We have been swaddling him and have tried a dummy which he doesn't seem to like but maybe we need to persevere a bit. I have an older child too and when my husband goes back to work, like you I think I will have no choice but to leave the little one to cry from time to time, especially around bath abd bed time. I think you are probably right that he is too young to get into very bad habits. I will let you know when he finally does settle! I guess it will just take time. Heidi x