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Re: Re: Re: Re: My 7 yr old wants to kill herself (Kinda Long)

I was looking online for some advice or discussion about this issue and found your post. My son is 8 and when we were out of town last week, his school called his grandparents' house where he was staying to say that when his turn came to say what he wanted to be when he grew up, my son said he wanted to kill himself. He's not a troubled child, or doesn't seem so, and we have always talked to him about coming to us when he is sad or upset, or for any reason. He is involved in sports and sometimes is disinterested beforehand but is quite active and interested once playing. He doesn't talk about dying or wanting to die...I think it was just something to say, and he didn't realize the weight it had. When we asked him about it, it didn't seem like a major incident to him, and when we asked if there were things bothering him, he said he just doesn't like school. He does well in school, but he often says he doesn't like it (but that doesn't seem unusual to me). For me, it was mostly disturbing that the thought (or even just the words) would cross his mind.

I am going to talk to the counselor at school for some ideas; I don't want to just let it go. I feel like he is fine and sometimes kids just say things, but I don't want to take any chances. Has anyone else gone through this? Thanks for listening._

Re: My 7 yr old wants to kill herself

My advice is to NOT ignore it. I wuld suggest going to her school and talking to teacher and counselor. I am saying that because my nephew who is I believe 12 now has said same thing. He actually went as far as taking a knife and putting it to his throat but thought about his mom and dad and could not do it. He finally opened up to mom and dad and they bring him for counseling. He is on medication for depression. Has alot to do with school too.I wish you the best but like i said, dont ignore it. kim

Re: Re: My 7 yr old wants to kill herself

Oh please, medication for depression is a slippery slope toward side effects and ignoring the real cause. School teachers and counselors are just people. They don't know much and they just want to make the problem go away for now.
You want your daughter to make a full turnaround of her point of view on life, from victim to a joyful owner of her own power. That's why I recommended the counselor that is best with these things. School could be the problem, not a place to find cure.

Re: Re: Re: My 7 yr old wants to kill herself

Hemoya was exactly right "You want your daughter to make a full turnaround of her point of view on life, from victim to a joyful owner of her own power."

You must find a way to empower your child, as a parent you know what she cherishes and finds most important, a counsellor will help you with these things, show you techniques etc. but its not as hard to empower your child as you may think, since she has self esteem issues, make her feel important in every way to you, and she will feel more important to self. Make every effort to show her, her own strengths.

Re: Re: Re: My 7 yr old wants to kill herself

I was not writing to you so save your oh pleases for someone else. TY. I was just making a suggestion. Maybe medication is not for everyone but it works for some so dont sit there and judge that. I know counselors and teachers are just people, so are parents but children tend to be mor comfortable talking to other ppl then there parents.

Re: My 7 yr old wants to kill herself

It has been two weeks ans we are all giving our opinion...I hope all is well with your daughter. Please keep us posted as to how she is doing.