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Supernanny is back and she’s on a mission to help tackle some of the difficult issues facing modern families…

٠Are you a newly merged family struggling to make your extended family relationships work?

٠ Are you a single Dad or Stay at home Dad feeling overwhelmed?

٠Are you in a same sex relationship struggling with your kids?

Are you older parents finding parenthood tougher than expected?

٠ Are you grappling with triplets, quads or more?

٠ Or is your family simply at breaking point?
Any problem, Supernanny will tackle it!

If any of these categories apply and you have two or more children and would like to nominate your family for the programme, please send full details of names, ages, issues and contact details with photographs to
Or contact the team directly on 01273 224 823

Re: SUPERNANNY are my hero

(Except for the bit where daughter watches and picks up new tricks )


we are deffinetly at breaking point, we have 2 children one 14 years old boy and one 17month old boy, we live in a 2 bedroom house so the baby still shares with us, and so far we still havent had a full nights sleep, we have even gone as far as swopping beds through the night the baby gets in with me and my partner gets into his bed, we have tried everything and this is the only way we have found that we can get any sleep, deffinetly not ideal, but it isnt just the sleeping we are having problems with it is his behaviour, if there is something he shouldnt be doing that is exactly what he will be doing, from throwing and hitting too climbing onto things like the television and dining table, and no matter how many times we remove him and tell him no he just goes straight back and does it is like he is striving for attention but he has constantly got attention as he demands this and always has, PLEASE help we need your advise.