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Re: Morning sickness effecting daughter

Sorry I am 10 weeks pregnant not 10 months!!!!

Re: Re: Morning sickness effecting daughter

Thought 10 months was a little overdue!

Poor you, had very bad morning sickness with my first, not at all nice.

Have you spoken to your gp about this, they can give you medication to stop the sickness if its severe.

Im sure your daughter will survive this just fine, she's quite probably loving all the attention from your family and having the time of her life.

Re: Morning sickness effecting daughter

I pity you, it wasn't too long ago I had the same problem as yourself. I did the same as you and relied on the support of my family to take up the slack. My son was 18 mths when I fell pregnant and my sickness did ease at around 15wks.
I have to say my pregnancy didn't feel as exciting the second time around and my son didn't really understand what was happening to my belly. All the way through my pregnancy I tried to explain to him that he would be getting a new baby brother to play with and how much fun it would be. I wanted him to feel involved as much as possible and there were some minor behavioural issues as he became aware of an impending change but we quickly resolved them.
Little ones are so resilient that I bet yours hasn't really noticed that you've 'abandoned' her. Just need to tell her that your're poorly and not lose your temper or be snappy with her.
Hope your're feeling better soon. I remember being sick with the first pregnancy and vowing aloud never to do it again -lest we forget and put ourselves through it again! It's worth it at the end though.
Don't feel guilty that you need to concentrate on yourself for awhile as you'll have plenty of time to make up for many years to come!