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Is it possible to potty train my 1 year old daughter?

My husband says she is too little to comprehend the meaning of sitting on the potty. She had a stomach bug which left her with a horrible diaper rash so i went out and bought her some panties. She woke up dry for 3 days. I would really like to try sitting her on the potty but i don't want her to become afraid of it and be tramatized. Is there anyone that has actually potty trained a 1 year old? Some people say that they have to be able to communicate before she can be trained? She knows quite a few baby signs so i was thinking that i would teach her potty and see how she does. Any advice....comments?

Re: Is it possible to potty train my 1 year old daughter?

Well its not something I'd try and expect any success with. But, on the other hand, if you can try without any pressure and accept it if it doesn't work then I don't see the harm in it, all depends on how you handle it, a game or an expectation. Quite possibly her being dry for those 3 nights was a touch of dehydration from the bug.

Not sure that you'd train her to understand when she needs to wee but you may have success in her performing on the potty...the two things aren't the same and might come back to bite you on the nose later.

Personally I'd just buy a better rash cream.

Re: Is it possible to potty train my 1 year old daughter?

I totally agree with Ellie on this one. Please don't expect your little girl to "perform" on the potty at such a young age as she will physically not have sufficiently developed bladder and sphincter muscles to control her urine.

If she starts thinking that you are disappointed when the potty training doesn't work out, that could set you back further in the long term.

How lovely that you have some communication with signing! A better suggestion would be to start communicating with her about wet vs dry. You can use the words wet nappy, dry nappy, as long as you don't indicate at this stage that one is preferable to the other. Show and tell how you wee in the toilet. These kind of things can give you a head start when she is PHYSICALLY ready to start training.

Good luck and hope your daughter stays well after her bug!



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Re: Is it possible to potty train my 1 year old daughter?

Hi Heather
In my personal opinion I would say she is too young, with her being dry for 3 days it could just be luck but try her you never know
Best of Luck