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boyfriend and my child

What should I do if I think that in the heat of the moment my boyfriend is inappropriatly disciplining my son? On one hand, I do not want to conteract his parenting skills or authority infront of my son as it is occuring. On the other hand, sometimes I feel like I should step in because I think he is being unfair.

Re: boyfriend and my child

Hello and welcome to the forum!

This is a tricky question... and I have to say my answer is going to be very different because you call this person your "boyfriend". If it was the child's father or even step-father my answer would be completely different.

I think you should have a talk with your boyfriend and tell him that he is NOT to discipline or even tell your child what to do, unless it refers to his own house rules if the child is at his house. He is NOT a parent to this child and has no right to parent him, particularly if you disagree with his parenting style!

I expect there will be others with a different viewpoint, that is just my initial opinion and if you tell us a bit more we might be able to help out with different tips and ideas...

Good luck,


Parenting support from Monicka and Cassie at

Re: Re: boyfriend and my child

I'm with Cassie on this one, if he's a boyfriend then no he shouldn't be disiplining your son but talking to you about what happened and leaving it to you to discipline him.
But if by boyfriend you mean he lives with you and takes responsibilty for your son as much as you, then you need to take this up with him and discuss how you will both discipline him in future.
If he has disiplined in an inappropriate way then he needs to be big enough to apologise to your son, not taking back that whatever your son did needed disiplining but the method that he used was ott and he regrets doing it. If he is unable to say sorry for it then I would seriously veiw this as how he does things rather than a heat of the moment thing.
If he continues to use that method you need to consider the effects on your son and maybe accept he's not the man you think he is.

Re: boyfriend and my child

Hey girly, he's only your boyfriend, what gives him the right to discipline your child? It's inappropriate and you need to tell him to old is your son? Just tell him that he doesn't need all that discipline that he's a good kid...Hope that helped :) :) Haha- I love doing that-Cayyla

Re: Re: boyfriend and my child

Hi its me. He is a boyfriend of 2 years and is here quite a bit. If he is disciplining out of anger and yelling or just being unfair (according to me)do you think it is ok to interrupt and say," Excuse me, could we talk first?" I teach my kids to calm down first if they are angry, can I do that with my boyfriend with out making the kids think I am belittling his authority or him feel like I am belittling him. I don't know if that makes sense.