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ex and my teen age sons

My ex has been fighting for custody of my preteen son. I also have two teen from a previous marriage. He has been trying to get custody of my pre teen who is his son. Pre teen does no want to live there but ex keeps fighting for his own agenda kinda thing. He has hired two Children's lawyers for him and they both gave him crap and his own lawyer let him go for a conflict of interest.

the thing is this. He keeps inviting my other teen sons to his place. I want to protect them from all the harm he has done to my younger son. All proven by children's lawyers.

how can I talk to my teens about this. that I want to protect them and do not want them to go over. He bribes them with jeep rides and even for my 15 year old son to have a free motel room with his girlfriend !! Please advise

Me again. Please advise. I can't sleep

Re: ex and my teen age sons

OMG!!! and I thought my ex was selfish and manipulative! He doesn't sound like the kinda guy you can have a chat with...I have writtin eighty things, and then hit backspace to get rid of it all. I really feel for you, but every idea I write down looks ridiculous once its written... I would talk to the 2 eldest boys and explain how inappropriate it is to go there... but what 15yo with a motel room is going to listen to that!!!??? Stay strong and keep facts... courts are not very interested in feelings, but facts they can deal with...get to court as fast as you can and provide proof of this mans inept parenting. I wish you the very best luck, and hang in there commonsense will prevail.....that wasn't very good was it? I hope things go well for you and your family
