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Re: Scared of the future!

Unsure of what further advice I can offer. You say he has always gone to football and so I assume you're okay with this. It's the refereeing you're unhappy about especially after he promised not to.
My suggestion would be to try and talk to him again calmly and have a rational debate. Explain how it would be fun to be a family and share experiences together. I think if you come across as being so needy it will put him off. He needs to explain to you why it's acceptable and how would he feel if he were in your shoes. With men you really need to spell it out and askl him to put himself in your situation and what would he do? Your new baby once born may alter him to spend more time at home and you have to ensure that he does his fair share.

Should he be stubborn I feel you have no choice but to go your separate ways and you would have to tell him this. You would have to spell it out want you want from this relationship and ask him if he wants the same. However be careful not to make an idle threat as you would have to be prepared to carry it out. Perhaps he thinks your not confident to go it alone as you need him more than he needs you. If this is the case he will continue to make you unhappy. There's nothing worse if you're feeling trapped and you should take steps to ensure that you could live without him. Hope you can work things out.

Re: Scared of the future!

Just read Cassie's advice and she's hit the nail on the head in what I'm trying to explain. You need to be emotionally independent and I totally agree with Cassie that you being a stronger person will make you more attractive to him.
Like Cassie I've done the nagging thing and it got me nowhere. So I went ahead and did things without him. I also ensured he didn't have anything planned before I would say "You will need to look I'm going to the hairdressers"! Or "I need to go to the hairdressers when should I make my appointment?" Hope your getting the jist of what I'm saying. Just GO GIRL!

Re: Re: Scared of the future!

Okay I'm going to say something slighty different to the other replies, yes I do agree that you need your own interests but wonder do you ever support his? Do you ever go to matches and watch? I'm really not sure I'd want to be with a partner who expected me to give up my hobbies, and if I did I imagine I'd resent them as your resenting him for not letting you have keep your interests (being together as a family being the one you've mentioned). Presumably you got together knowing how he enjoyed spending his time but now expect him to give it up which doesn't seem very reasonable. If he has a child on the way he should expect to cut down and put his family first but not stop altogether.

Looking at this from his point of view, your asking him to give up something to meet your needs but asking him to give his up altogether and I think a bit of give and take would be better, you go to the odd match and support him, in return he spends regular time at home with you and the kids.

My ex fella used to cycle, frankly the most boring thing I've ever watched in my life but I watched him race then afterwards we'd go out and have a family session so we both got what we needed out of our weekends.(We split for other reasons!)

I do agree with the advice given above but include some team work too, not much point in a relationship if your only supporting your own needs.

Re: Re: Re: Scared of the future!

Thankyou all for your advice, I really do have to look at myself and be more independent.
I would like to go to football matches with my partner, but its very hard getting a babysitter.
But I don't want him to give up his hobbies, just cut down.