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Re: godparents

Hi Monique,

I'm not religious so don't know much about Godparenting, but from what I've heard am I right in thinking they are there to watch over the child if the parents die?

In any case, I think you could just tell your little lad that these are special people you have chosen to be part of his life, because he is so loved, and they will help Mum and Dad protect and care for him, and extra people to turn to in times of need. I think this is enough info for him as a young child.

Best Wishes

Liz x

Re: Re: godparents

Thank you Liz for your help. We are bringing godparents into our son's life for the very reasons you mentioned, not for religious purposes. I'll use your advice - thanks!

Re: godparents

Godparents aren't necessarily the ones to watch over you if parents dies. Thsoe are guardians... and should be named in the will. Godparents make promises for you during a baptism and they are there to support your religious upbringing!!! They should pray for you etc.

Re: Re: godparents

Ah ok, I got it slightly skewed. I was raised in a religion but they didnt practice Godparenting. I hope i didnt cause offense.

Love Liz x

Re: godparents

No offense taken!!!!!